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Shake Paddle & Roll
Pickleball 2023 Jamboree

Saturday January 14, 2023
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM

  • Registration:  Open Monday 12/19/22  until 5PM Sunday  1/8/23 (or until we have 76 players signed up – Buddy teams count as one player- see below)
  • Format: Same round robin format we have used for our past few events. Teams will be determined by random draw so everyone, across the club, gets to mix in and play together. We will play 6 games for 12 minutes or to a score of 11, whichever comes first.
  • Scoring: Each player on the winning team will roll 2 dice to  determine their score. Each player on the losing team will roll one dice to determine their score. If there is a tie then all 4 players will each roll 2 dice.
  • Buddy System: If 6 games in a row is too much for you, please sign up with a buddy and take turns playing (3 games each).
  • Confirmation Email: You will receive a confirmation email once you register.  If the jamboree is full when you go to register, please send an email to [email protected] and Kelly will put you on the waitlist (first come first serve).
  • Participant Information Email:  We will send out additional information, to all registered participants, a few days before the jamboree.
  • We will have some fun drawings and prizes.  Come join us for this fun, no pressure, club mixer event.

Let’s get ready to Shake Paddle & Roll!!!!

Your Committee: Kelly Lodato, Karin Millner & Sue Coppinger

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