Westbrook Village Pickleball Club Ladders

Rules and Information

Ladders begin Oct 17, 2024

Ladder offerings:

The WBV Pickleball Club offers 3 competitive ladders and one open, social ladder.  Description of Skills are listed on each ladder page to help you determine what ladder is most appropriate for your current skill level.  To access each Ladder, hover over the Ladder Tab at the top of this page and select one of the following ladders.

Monday evening is for high intermediate 3.5 level.   Ladder Captain Larry Siegler     WBVMonLadder@gmail.com

Tuesday evening is for intermediate 2.5/3.0 level.  Ladder Captains Dan & Laura Blauvelt   WBVTuesLadder@gmail.com

Thursday evening is open to All Skill levels but follows the Hold My Court percentages for ladder positions/rank.  Ladder Captains Tricia Hammond & Nancy Bagger   WBVThursLadder@gmail.com

Friday morning is for all novice/beginner/casual players, 2.5 and below.  We call this ladder the Casual ladder and it includes players who are new to ladders as well as players who may be recovering from injuries or surgeries, or just slowing down a bit, and includes anyone who wants to play CASUALLY!!!!  Ladder Captains  Debra Nahrstadt, Judy Allen, and Catherine Nagy   WBVFriLadder@gmail.com

Saturday morning is for intermediate 2.5/3.0 level.  Ladder Captain is not defined at this time.    WBVSatLadder@gmail.com

Eligibility to play on a ladder:  You must be a member of the Westbrook Village Pickleball Club and your dues must be current.  You may play on 2 ladders and occasionally on a third if there is room and the captain allows it.

Weekly Schedule: A schedule is posted on the webpage and emailed to players at least 2 days before a ladder.  Ladder captains send an email to both active and inactive players.  If you cannot play that week, you must contact the ladder captain and alert them that you cannot play.

  • For the evening ladders, the captain should be notified by noon of the ladder day
  • For the morning ladders, the captain should be notified by 5 pm the previous evening

Day of Play: Please arrive at least 20 minutes early to sign in and warm up.  The score sheets are made out 10 minutes prior to play.  If you have not arrived by 10 minutes before play, you will not be allowed to play (unless you have called or texted the ladder captain that you are running late but will be there shortly).

Format:  You will be assigned to a group of 4 or 5.  For groups of four you will play 3 games to 15, switching sides at 8 for a total of 45 points.  For groups of 5, you will play 4 games to 11, switching sides at 6 and, you receive 1 bonus point, for a total of 45 possible points.   For fivesomes, you sit out 1 game.  The person whose name is on top of the score sheet is the scorekeeper.  That person keeps track of each game, adds the total points, then writes the final score on the check-in sheet for the day.  It is best if the whole group checks addition and accuracy.  If you are new, someone is always available to help you with the scoresheet.

Standings posted:  The ladder captains make every effort to publish the standings within a day of play (i.e., within 24 hours after the matches were completed).

No Shows: You will be allowed ONE “no show,” (i.e., you did not notify the captain and you did not show up to play).

If this occurs a second time, you will be asked to help prepare the scoring sheets for 2 weeks.

A third “no show,” and you will not be allowed to participate for 3 weeks.

Ladder Movement:  The Hold my Court documentation says it this way:  If the ladder divisions are based on skill level, the league manager should have some rules about moving players up to the next skill division or down a division based on league standing. For example, if a player is at the top 1 or 2 positions for a given number of weeks, the league manager may choose to move a player to the bottom of the next higher skill division. Alternatively, the league manager could base the decision on a winning percentage of a certain threshold over a given period of time. There would be a similar process for moving down to a lower skill level division.”

-For the 3.5 players, there are no other ladders to move up to.   Players who are consistently at the top of the 3.5 ladder for many weeks should consider playing during the advanced playing times.

-Any people that are in the top 5% of a skill level ladder may not play in a lower level ladder.

Standings Display:  If you do not play for 1 week, you drop off the standings – but you are still on that ladder (in the inactive section which can only be viewed by ladder managers and captains).  Don’t worry, as soon as you play again, your name appears on the standings.

Please ignore all the advertisements on the Hold My Court page.  It is a free software program.

Good sportsmanship conduct is always expected. 

 If you have a complaint, comment, or suggestion, regarding the ladders, please contact Skip Desaulniers at SkippD@Outlook.com